Third Journal Entry

Nov 3, 2020
  1. How do you take care of your mental health?

I like to take breaks in between doing stressful tasks to ensure that I don’t feel too overwhelmed or burnt out. I like to listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos and watch my favorite TV show, The Office to relax.

I also like to play the piano to de-stress. I enjoy learning to play some of my favorite songs on the piano as a fun task to do for myself. Another thing I like to do is bake. I enjoy late-night baking especially baking fresh loaves of bread.

2. What new behaviors or attitudes can you adopt that will help improve your mental health?

I think I can start doing some meditation and breathing exercises. Sometimes when I am very overwhelmed I tend to just cry about it and bottle up my feelings, and now I will try to start meditating or doing breathing exercises when I am feeling overwhelmed or like I might burn out.

3. As a member of the LS community, how will you promote self-care to your fellow students especially in this time of pandemic?

I can try my best to check up on some of my blockmates and friends. I can check up on how they are doing during stressful school weeks and be as supportive as I can to help them get through the difficult times.

